Wood Shop Class Series

Registration required by phone at 316-759-4084 or in-person at least two business days before class.

Heart Jewelry Box

February 5 | 6-8pm | Cost: $20

Looking for a Valentines gift for that special someone while interested in sharpening your woodworking skills? Our instructor will walk you through step by step on how create a lovely heart shaped jewelry box just in time for Valentines Day.

Duck Call Turning

February 6 | 6-8pm | Cost: $30

Looking for a Valentines gift for that special someone while interested in sharpening your woodworking skills? Our instructor will walk you through step by step on how create a duck call for your favorite hunter, just in time for Valentines Day.

Crochet Hook Turning

April 23 | 6-8pm | Cost: $30

Looking to mix your crochet and wood hobby? Look no further and join us for our turning class! Our instructor will walk you through step by step on how to create your very own wooden crochet hook.

Scroll Saw Puzzle

June 4 | 6-8pm | Cost: $20

Interested in learning how to use a scroll saw or just want to make a cute puzzle for home decor or as a gift for a loved one? Our instructor will teach you step by step how to create your very own puzzle.

Elk Call Turning

July 16 | 6-8pm | Cost: $30

Looking for a unique call for the upcoming hunting season? Our instructor will walk you through step by step on how to create an Elk Call.

Lip Balm Holder

October 1 | 6-8pm | Cost: $20

Constantly losing your favorite lip balm? Well we have the solution for you! Join us for an instructor lead turning class to create your own lip balm holder.

Charcuterie Board

November 5 & 6 | 6-8pm | Cost: $20

Looking to impress your friends and family this holiday season? Show them your wood working skills by creating your very own Charcuterie Board. Our instructor will walk you through step by step on how to create your own board in this two-day class.